Color Your World - Inch Worm
Another week, another colour. I enjoyed setting up this scene, and have a few photos of different layouts where the gangers patrol the area, and with different lights illuminating the area, and a bright graffiti Tippy!. But the colour we’re looking at this week is Inch Worm, a green shade that may not be the easiest to make out in this shot, but on the top storage container, the middle panel is green, which I matched as close as I could to an Ammo by Mig Jimenez paint I have, Pure Green. The paint itself is a lovely acrylic paint to use, with lovely pigments to give a strong coverage.
Members of a House Escher gang patrol a storage yard that holds valuable exports - House Escher Chems that would be devastating if in the hands of their enemies…
I’ve been building some Warhammer 40K scenery lately, and I had three of these containers to paint, and wanted to record a tutorial for how I did them, and this week was a perfect excuse for it! Although the tutorial covers painting the purple one, the technique is exactly the same regardless of colour. Green and Orange were what I used to refine my process for painting them, with the purple being the focus of the video, as purple is the main colour of my Escher gang.
The background scenery is:
Armoured Munitorum Containers: Games Workshop
Necromunda House Escher Minis: Games Workshop
Walls: TTCombat Iron Labyrinth (MDF)
Floor: TTCombat Underhive Gaming Mat (Neoprene mat)
Censer: Custom build using Games Workshop Scenery Kits and Cotton wool.
Escher Gang Icon: Custom build using Games Workshop Skulls, Scenery Kits, Sealing wire, Cotton Wool, old plastic Sprue, swords from the bitz box.
Confession Machine: Maxmini Scenery Piece (Hurry, this will be out of production soon)