Tippy Cast #022 - Moote Point

Chris and Daz talk about a very unique set of models from Rumbleslam, a casino that has a style of character you don't see often in tabletop games. The Mexican inspired wrestlers of Moote Carlo. From the high flying Halfling Luchadores to the sugar skull clad Day Of The Dead skeletons, Moote Carlo embody the style of not just the Lucha Libre wrestling culture, but also the beauty of the Latin culture, but maintaining the thematic style that TTCombat has with Rumbleslam and the fantasy genre as a whole.

And in New And Shiny, we discuss the new and upcoming releases from TTCombat, including Rumbleslam, Carnevale, the new games within the Drop Universe and Daz's favourite - Home Raiders. We also discuss the new starter set from Black Site Studios' Don't Look Back

Music by @teknoaxe

Editing by Chris McEwan

Thumbnail images from TTCombat, with Tippy lovingly placed on top!

Be sure to visit www.tippyclub.com for more!

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10 Tippy Club D6

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These are 16mm D6.

Moote Carlo is home to all manner of beautifully sculpted models styled after the Lucha Libre wrestling style, and the beautiful Diá De Muertos culture celebrated within Mexico.

Visit www.tippyclub.com