Tippy Cast #012 - Let’s Play Half Tilt!

Chris and Daz take you on a tour of the wonderful world of Shortreach in this special edition of the Tippy Cast! This time we're doing a Let's Play of Half Tilt from TTCombat!

Visit www.tippyclub.com

Chris and Daz mount their ponies and grab their lances in the new game from TTCombat, the guys behind Rumbleslam and Carnevale, Half Tilt.

Watch us play a 7 Renown game, with Chris telling you how to read the Knight cards, and Daz explaining the rules! In this video we use models from the Core set, so you'll see these models for yourself should you pick it up - and you'll be glad you did!

If you want to (pre)order the game from TTCombat, do it here: https://ttcombat.com/collections/half-tilt

10 Tippy Club D6

If you like the white dice I am using in my dice cam, you can order them from my website here: https://tippyclub.com/shop/p/10-tippy-club-d6


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