How To Paint Black Metal Armour
How to paint Black Metal Armour, using Half Tilt's top heel, Sir Pigismund!
Learn how to paint the famous Black Knight for your mounted knights! But most importantly, how to paint Sir Pigismund for TTCombat's new game, Half Tilt.
The techniques used in this tutorial can be used for painting any metal armour wearing bloke (OR BIRD!) that you have in your collection, be they Halfling or Bretonian, you'll be able to get some colour onto your models!
Music is Chivalry In All Things by teknoaxe
Learn how to paint the Yarn Elemental from Rumbleslam, an excellent grappler for any team
Lift your model painting by building up texture. In this video, I show you how to create a fur texture for this hulking battle cat.
Let's learn how to paint Quartering and Checkerboard Heraldry freehand! It's easy and fun to do!
Painting Tutorial to show you how to paint Black Metal Armour for all of your favourite Black Knights!
Learn how to paint worn leather like me! Also check out the TTCombat paints, because I like them a lot!
Today we’re taking a look at some high quality resin scenery by a company called Tiny Furniture
Modiphius’ Fallout Wasteland Warfare models are incredible, and so much fun to paint. Here I show you how to paint Super Mutant Skin!
Paint the Rostani Chronicler like a Sphinx Cat, and also paint their little cat friend! I went with a Calico!