Fallout Advent Calendar - Day 06
Stingwing Meat For Christmas?
Day 6’s envelope is a rectangle, light blue in colour with the Party Boy perk Vault-Boy wearing a Santa hat. And what do we find inside?
Inspirational Vault-Tec image on the front, the Vault-Tec logo on the back. And inside?
Blank pages! Well, except one, showing a Stingwing that a Vault Dweller has made a note of. That’s right, we get a mini notebook! I’ll probably use it for keeping notes for painting models, but we’ll see! I never have enough notebooks.
I love the Vault-Tec propaganda posters, and in Fallout 76, I like to have them hung up around my C.A.M.P.s, and in Fallout 4, I ensure my loyalty to Vault-Tec is shown in Vault 88.
Do I Like Stingwings?
No. Horrible, fast moving, poison damage dealing bastards.