Fallout Advent Calendar - Day 04
Maybe I Was Wrong…
Yesterday I thought I had got some gift tags, but it may be more like small Christmas Cards… Whereas today, we got…
Inside of a dark blue packet with the design of the Adamantium Skeleton Perk were this pair of gift tags featuring a whole heap of Perk images, such as Explosive Expert, Lawbringer, Child At Heart, Sniper, Rad Resistant and Mysterious Stranger.
Interestingly, the images are all from the Fallout 3 perks. You’ll notice that the backs of the Vault-Boy feature 101.
What Are My Favourite Perks?
While your Stats are what makes your S.P.E.C.I.A.L., Perks make you unique! In the Bethesda made games, each level allows you to choose a Perk (In Fallout 4, it doesn’t require a Perk to increase your SPECIALs, but it is in effect the same), where as in the Black Isle made New Vegas, it’s every 2 levels. I much prefer the every level route. I’d go out on a limb to say that in Fallout 3, the best Perk was PUPPIES! which was added with Broken Steel’s DLC. This allows a new Dogmeat to spawn should your faithful hound be killed, and they’ll be waiting for you outside of Vault 101. However, Child At Heart was also a very useful perk, as it gave you access to unique dialogue options with child characters - this helped with quests in like THOSE! and getting access to Little Lamplight. On the other hand, if you were playing as a female character, the Black Widow Perk was a major boon. You got a bonus +10% damage to male characters (Not counting ghouls, Super Mutants or Swampfolk from Point Lookout) and with certain male characters you get bonus speech options which can grant you more payment, or change the actions of characters in quests. In Fallout 4, I love the base building portion of the game, so perks like Local Leader and Cap Collector are key for expanding your settlements. Outside of that, I focus a lot on Gunslinger and Sniper perks, as I don’t tend to use Automatic weapons, although my current playthrough I am using them more, to change things up a bit.